On Being a Mom and Trying to Write

It’s 6:20 a.m. Late by my new standards because I would ideally like to wake up at 5:30 a.m. But you won’t find me complaining much. Wait…no you might just find me complaining a little. I like this time of the morning when I get to write, when I get to sometimes contort my reluctantContinueContinue reading “On Being a Mom and Trying to Write”

Stay-at-home-Mom Anniversary: A Year in Review

Note: This is a long post. A few weeks ago, I completed one year as a stay-at-home-mom. Most first year anniversaries are marked by some kind of a special event, however small and insignificant it may be. My one year anniversary came and just like that, without so much as a whimper, left. In fact, IContinueContinue reading “Stay-at-home-Mom Anniversary: A Year in Review”

What Worried Me/ Worries Me About Raising a Daughter

I wished my daughter into being. I know this. I wanted a girl really, really badly to make my family complete. Not that having another boy would have made my family any less complete, but there is something about having a boy and a girl combo that makes the family dynamic just a little differently specialContinueContinue reading “What Worried Me/ Worries Me About Raising a Daughter”

The Day My Kids and I Cried Together

No, it had nothing (or only a little) to do with the outcome of the elections in the US. The tears were neither of joy nor sorrow. Per se. The tears were of anger, frustration, helplessness, fear, uncertainty, and solidarity. This is a long post.  It’s been two days and for the last two days,ContinueContinue reading “The Day My Kids and I Cried Together”

Happy & Healthy Kids: A Blessing

I consider myself extremely fortunate and even lucky to be the mother of two healthy and happy little kids. I am their keeper. For now and forever. I wouldn’t have it any other way. A few days ago on Halloween, while trick or treating with my two little ones in my neighborhood block, one dressedContinueContinue reading “Happy & Healthy Kids: A Blessing”

My 2-year-old asked me to “Calm down”

The same energy that works for me professionally, does not quite do it for me, personally. I am not much of a laid back person. I’d like to think I am but I am really not. I just don’t work that way. I get annoyed easily. I lose my patience quicker than you can sayContinueContinue reading “My 2-year-old asked me to “Calm down””

Lessons Learned at a Pumpkin Patch

It’s funny how sometimes life’s unprovoked events can teach you lessons that have the potential to make a world of difference in understanding your child. A few days ago, I took the kids to Ardenwood Historic Farms in Fremont, CA. Since I had never been to this farm’s Pumpkin Patch, I only had a slightContinueContinue reading “Lessons Learned at a Pumpkin Patch”

Does a SAHM’s sickness matter more than the earning partner’s?

That is the question, isn’t it? It is right up there alongside questions like, does it matter who makes more money? On Monday night, TJ came down with a fever that was worse enough for me to keep him away from school on Tuesday. He even missed Picture Day! We stayed home all day. WeContinueContinue reading “Does a SAHM’s sickness matter more than the earning partner’s?”

How I Learned to Tame my Ego and make Music Together with my Son

That I had mixed feelings about taking my kid to Music Together (MT) has been made more than obvious by three previous posts on the matter. In Things No One Tells You About Having a Second Child, I wrote about how annoying I found all the ridiculous “dance” moves and felt like I was gettingContinueContinue reading “How I Learned to Tame my Ego and make Music Together with my Son”

Untitled: Gathering the Pieces of Failure

My most recent pledge to not yell at my son was an epic failure on day 2. Everything was going smoothly until it was time to strap the kids in that monstrosity of a double stroller to take them for a walk. TJ wanted to get out but I really needed that walk because IContinueContinue reading “Untitled: Gathering the Pieces of Failure”

No More Yelling – Another Honest Attempt

It’s quiet. Rather peaceful, actually. It is about 11:15 a.m. and I am at my laptop writing this while my baby is asleep upstairs. TJ is at school. I feel accomplished and it is not even noon yet. I woke up at 5:30 today with Baby E acting as my alarm clock. She is slowly learningContinueContinue reading “No More Yelling – Another Honest Attempt”

Rationalizing the SAHM Role

He was having so much fun in the little kiddie pool that I found at my local Goodwill (thrift store and in a brand new packaged condition no less!) that I desperately wanted the recognition and a “Hooray Mommy” moment. I asked, “J..are you having fun?” “Yay!!”he said excitedly. “You know, Mommy bought you thatContinueContinue reading “Rationalizing the SAHM Role”