Happy & Healthy Kids: A Blessing

I consider myself extremely fortunate and even lucky to be the mother of two healthy and happy little kids. I am their keeper. For now and forever. I wouldn’t have it any other way. A few days ago on Halloween, while trick or treating with my two little ones in my neighborhood block, one dressedContinueContinue reading “Happy & Healthy Kids: A Blessing”

Stop Comparing Kids. Now!

“She is so tiny,” said the random woman holding a baby. Just seconds before she said that, I had said, “I already miss that stage even though I am excited for what comes next” referring to the baby in her arms. She was rocking the little one to sleep and had just told me, uponContinueContinue reading “Stop Comparing Kids. Now!”

The Inscrutable Exploratory Missions of a Young Mind

I am trying something new today. Recently, I was thinking about how our kids’ universe is so full of exploration and then… I decided to stop thinking, and actually start writing about it: Here is how my 2 year old explores his little universe and what exploration means to him. *** He begins his dayContinueContinue reading “The Inscrutable Exploratory Missions of a Young Mind”

My angel baby takes her 4m shots #likeagirl

My darling little angel baby girl got her 4 months shots today as well as an oral vaccine and she took it #likeagirl . I was so proud of her! I scheduled the appointment for today so TJ could be away at school while I took Baby E to the pediatrician. After dropping him off,ContinueContinue reading “My angel baby takes her 4m shots #likeagirl”

Please stop growing…not really…yes, really…no..

TJ will be 2.5 years next month. Yes, my little boy whom I can still remember holding as a newborn, is going to be two-and-a-half years old!!! My other little one, my munchmuffin will turn 4 months this week…the kids are growing up and every day, I feel just a little bit nostalgic for whatContinueContinue reading “Please stop growing…not really…yes, really…no..”

5 Challenges of being a Firstborn

Most people, myself included, will be forgiven for thinking that firstborns have all the advantages over their younger siblings. After all, they got their parents’ undivided attention for a while before the next one came along. They were fussed over, hovered over, and attended to perhaps far more than any of their siblings. Parents couldContinueContinue reading “5 Challenges of being a Firstborn”

Just a quick note: No more Choo Choo

TJ always used the words ‘choo choo’ to mean a train or trains. That changed two days ago. He now calls them, well – train. A little part of me cried over the onomatopoeic death of a baby word. As he picks up new words, he leaves behind a vocabulary of babyhood innocence – ‘hoe’ContinueContinue reading “Just a quick note: No more Choo Choo”

Concerted Cultivation: What Middle-Class Parents do for their Kids

Note: Using ‘middle-class’ is not my choice of word here. I use it as conceptualized by Annette Lareau in her explanation of the term, ‘Concerted Cultivation’. If popular media, public commentary, and recent articles on parenting are to be believed,  middle-class parents are actively engaged in the lives of their children and nowhere is thisContinueContinue reading “Concerted Cultivation: What Middle-Class Parents do for their Kids”

What a fun 2 year old!

People always talk about how the moment they laid their eyes on this newborn child, they felt an intense love-at-first-sight kind feeling, the butterflies and stars feeling of falling head over heals in love with their child. Honestly, I don’t remember what I was feeling when I first held TJ. I remember everything about thatContinueContinue reading “What a fun 2 year old!”

Paci go bye bye

Just like that, TJ has given up on his pacifier. I was one of those moms who was very firm that my child would not use a pacifier. I hadn’t done much research on this issue to come up with an informed decision but knew enough that dependency on anything would mean breaking that dependencyContinueContinue reading “Paci go bye bye”

Toddler J (TJ) personality on the upswing

My little TJ is all over the place these days in terms of exploration. After all, with a nearly two weeks visit to Canada where we stayed at three different places and did an entire road trip from Toronto to Chicago, his exploratory senses have been awakened if not heightened. During his first visit toContinueContinue reading “Toddler J (TJ) personality on the upswing”

Adventures of a boy wonder – The Food Chronicles

Toddler J or TJ is going to turn 17 months young next week and already he is a nonstop bundle of energy who only stops his active learning and engagement during sleep times. At all other times, he is either on his toes walking or running around inspecting things, pulling things and putting them back,ContinueContinue reading “Adventures of a boy wonder – The Food Chronicles”