Stay-at-home-Mom Anniversary: A Year in Review

Note: This is a long post. A few weeks ago, I completed one year as a stay-at-home-mom. Most first year anniversaries are marked by some kind of a special event, however small and insignificant it may be. My one year anniversary came and just like that, without so much as a whimper, left. In fact, IContinueContinue reading “Stay-at-home-Mom Anniversary: A Year in Review”

Does a SAHM’s sickness matter more than the earning partner’s?

That is the question, isn’t it? It is right up there alongside questions like, does it matter who makes more money? On Monday night, TJ came down with a fever that was worse enough for me to keep him away from school on Tuesday. He even missed Picture Day! We stayed home all day. WeContinueContinue reading “Does a SAHM’s sickness matter more than the earning partner’s?”