Lessons Learned at a Pumpkin Patch

It’s funny how sometimes life’s unprovoked events can teach you lessons that have the potential to make a world of difference in understanding your child. A few days ago, I took the kids to Ardenwood Historic Farms in Fremont, CA. Since I had never been to this farm’s Pumpkin Patch, I only had a slightContinueContinue reading “Lessons Learned at a Pumpkin Patch”

Why I Will Always Pick up my Child

Have your arms ever cried out for relief from carrying your child? We recently attended a friend’s son’s birthday party. During our time there, in a conversation that the mother of the boy was having with Aaron (they used to be coworkers), I overheard her saying that while she was still able to lift theContinueContinue reading “Why I Will Always Pick up my Child”

Does a SAHM’s sickness matter more than the earning partner’s?

That is the question, isn’t it? It is right up there alongside questions like, does it matter who makes more money? On Monday night, TJ came down with a fever that was worse enough for me to keep him away from school on Tuesday. He even missed Picture Day! We stayed home all day. WeContinueContinue reading “Does a SAHM’s sickness matter more than the earning partner’s?”

Just a rant – What I Don’t Understand About (some) Moms who Write

Bring on the sanctimommy gripes, the trolls, and the bullying. I just don’t care. This is my rant post today. As a mother who blogs… I dislike the momblogger moniker. Why momblogger? Why not just blogger? Anyway, I digress… I am really sick of what I have observed as some common content issues in theContinueContinue reading “Just a rant – What I Don’t Understand About (some) Moms who Write”

10 Things only Moms of Toddlers and Infants know

Motherhood is not a one time been-there-done-that (BTDT) kind of a deal. Sure, the BTDT acronym is a popular one that does the rounds of pregnancy and baby related forums, but as even BTDT moms know all too well, how kids are raised not only varies significantly among kids in general, which is a given,ContinueContinue reading “10 Things only Moms of Toddlers and Infants know”

I became THAT mom today

A short time ago, in recent history, I was one of those moms who was quietly judging other moms/caregivers sitting by the sidelines, almost literally, of the park on 15th and Wabash in downtown Chicago. Their kids, between 3-6 years old, were playing, happily, screaming and yelling out to each other, as kids on playgroundsContinueContinue reading “I became THAT mom today”

Before I had kids…

Before I had kids, I would drag myself out of bed at 10:00 a.m. on weekends…ever thinking that I could do that as a mother…that was wishful thinking. Before I had kids, I could step out of the house at a moment’s notice…ever thinking that I would be able to do that again after IContinueContinue reading “Before I had kids…”

Will I ever learn…

…that my child is extremely impressionable and that what I do and how I behave absolutely and directly influences what he then does and how he behaves. …that my yelling may seem like a great release for me but may do irreparable damage to his ability to learn the action-consequence-reaction dynamic. …that my throwing thingsContinueContinue reading “Will I ever learn…”

Please stop growing…not really…yes, really…no..

TJ will be 2.5 years next month. Yes, my little boy whom I can still remember holding as a newborn, is going to be two-and-a-half years old!!! My other little one, my munchmuffin will turn 4 months this week…the kids are growing up and every day, I feel just a little bit nostalgic for whatContinueContinue reading “Please stop growing…not really…yes, really…no..”

10 Perfectly acceptable ways to keep your sanity while raising a toddler and an infant

I have two kids under three and I lead a truly blessed life (touchwood!) on most days. Somewhere between diaper blowouts, tantrums, time outs, and watching my babies fall sound asleep with the innocence of a gentle cloud calmly floating by, we bask in oodles of smiles, armfuls of hugs with plenty of kisses toContinueContinue reading “10 Perfectly acceptable ways to keep your sanity while raising a toddler and an infant”

An open letter to my postpartum body

Inspired by Vonesai Muhaso ‘s Huffington Post piece by the same title as above, I decided to write my own letter to my postpartum body. Dear Post-Partum Body, I cursed you and insulted you. I threw venomous verbal attacks at you throughout my first post-partum phase. I sometimes still do. I hated and sometimes evenContinueContinue reading “An open letter to my postpartum body”

Concerted Cultivation: What Middle-Class Parents do for their Kids

Note: Using ‘middle-class’ is not my choice of word here. I use it as conceptualized by Annette Lareau in her explanation of the term, ‘Concerted Cultivation’. If popular media, public commentary, and recent articles on parenting are to be believed,  middle-class parents are actively engaged in the lives of their children and nowhere is thisContinueContinue reading “Concerted Cultivation: What Middle-Class Parents do for their Kids”