Raising my kids in the US vs. India

First a disclaimer: I do not mean for this post to sound pompous or self-righteous. We all have to live by the consequences of our decisions and choices. One such decision I made was to come to the US for graduate studies. Sixteen years later, I call the US my home. Yes, India is alsoContinueContinue reading “Raising my kids in the US vs. India”

Waltzing Logdrivers, Christian Ants, Conniving Cats, Deceitful Ducks and Other Aids to Help Your Child Eat, Drink, and Thrive

Almost every parent can attest to the innumerable tactics, strategies, threats, rewards, and/or punishment that naturally dovetail our parenting styles. I don’t care what you name your particular style of parenting – whether you are a helicopter, free-range, no-range, authoritarian, authoritative, laissez-faire or some other kind of parent, you have at one point or anotherContinueContinue reading “Waltzing Logdrivers, Christian Ants, Conniving Cats, Deceitful Ducks and Other Aids to Help Your Child Eat, Drink, and Thrive”

Indian Cricket or Canadian Hockey

The quintessential question that largely remains unanswered at this point…Will my little one develop an interest for one of his/her mommy’s favorite sports, Cricket, or will she/he develop an unbridled fervor for daddy’s obsession with hockey or both? Given that the two sports are played in different seasons (generally speaking – although Cricket can beContinueContinue reading “Indian Cricket or Canadian Hockey”