A Reality that is Stranger than Fiction

Being a parent invariably makes me nostalgic about my own childhood in the most surreal way. I look at my older child, careless and carefree, frolicking through life without so much of a frown or a grimace on his cherubic face (if you take away the expressions he makes when he has tantrums or justContinueContinue reading “A Reality that is Stranger than Fiction”

How my second born child’s life is different from (or similar to) her older brother – Part 1

It was under five years ago that I began a beautiful journey with Aaron. As soon as we got engaged and got married three months later, we knew we wanted kids. Plural. We both wanted two kids. Baby J now Toddler J or TJ was born two years later. In fact, I was pregnant onContinueContinue reading “How my second born child’s life is different from (or similar to) her older brother – Part 1”

Parents are here!

My parents arrived in Chicago from India on Thursday and I am enjoying the pampering even as I am getting used to four adults living at home. It is common among diasporic Indians including those in the US to invite their parents over during pregnancy. Parents travel all over to their children’s adopted homelands andContinueContinue reading “Parents are here!”